
Anti-Abandon Law
As stated in our previous posting, even though there are no federal law prohibiting the act of leaving children unattended in your vehicle, 20 out of 52 states have adopted their own versions to reduce the chances of this occurrence.

Anti-Abandon Federal Law
It is shocking to find out that there is no Federal Law in the United States judicial system against children left unattended in vehicles! ( Our previous posts have ventured into unfortunate death toll number which has been updated now

Baby Car Safe approved and FCC Compliant
After the much anticipated news of the approval for the Baby Car Safe product by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), we are running at full speed for our preparation to debut our product to our eager waiting fans. The

Its critical to have the right Technical Team
When your start-up company is based on a technological device, hiring the right tech team is crucial as this specific field is time sensitive. Being able to perform under pressure as each second ticks by is something only a few
Startup is a Challenge
Michelle Obama once said “You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is one of your biggest advantages” (Former First Lady serving from 2009-2017, author,

“How can we, as parents, proactively prevent babies or young toddlers perish from or suffer due to Pediatric Vehicular Heatstroke (PVH)?
The Rocket Innovation company started with an unresolved problem that turned into an opportunity. Co-founder of Tracey Roberts had heard repetitive cases in which babies or young children perished due to PVH and at that point in time, there was

Introducing Baby Car Safe
The Rocket Innovation proudly introduces Baby Car Safe as its first product of the company. As previous post suggested, we are unique because the product proactively prevents babies or young toddlers from ever being left alone inside the vehicle. We

Why are we doing this?
Hot Cars Act introduced and passed in 2019 in the United States declares that “all new passenger motor vehicles weighing less than 10,000 pounds (4,536 kilograms) gross vehicle weight require visual and auditory alert for rear seat occupant once motor

Baby Car Safe to help prevent Pediatric Vehicular Heatstroke (PVH) deaths
As Nelson Mandela said it best, “Our children are our future and one of the most basic responsibilities is to care for them in the best and most compassionate manner possible” (former president of South Africa, political leader, and philanthropist).

What is Pediatric Vehicle Heatstroke (PVH)?
Pediatric Vehicle Heatstroke (PVH) is an occurrence where babies or young toddlers are left intentionally or unintentionally in a vehicle suffering from fatal injuries due to rising temperatures. Below shows a hypothetical situation where a baby or young toddler was

What can parents expect once the baby or young toddler is hospitalized due to pediatric vehicular heatstroke (PVH)?
We will focus this week on what the baby goes through once they are brought in to a hospital. Please note that the status of the baby or young toddler that had experienced heat stroke may differ from each other.

“Heat stroke! What do I do? Somebody help!”
As this week we will focus on what a parent can do in those precious few minutes after a baby or young toddler have suffered heat stroke. Before emergency personnel arrive to take over, we must have the knowledge to
Baby Car Safe Tech Team Interview
Also for this week’s update, a second video features Mr. Buganini Chiu (Director of Software Development) who briefly talks about his role and tasks for the project Baby Car Safe. Enjoy!
Baby Car Safe Tech Team Interview
For this week’s update, a video is in store for us with two special team members in which they talk briefly about their contributions for Baby Car Safe project. The first video features Mr. Tracey Roberts (Chief Technology Officer) who

How does neurological impairment affected babies after they experienced heat stroke?
We have learned in the previous week how neurological impairment affected babies after they experienced heat stroke, and this week we will focus on how functional and organ impairment can affect them. Because of many complications that occur to the body

Neurological impairment or cognitive dysfunction after babies or young toddlers had experienced heat stroke
After we have discovered that babies or young toddlers have higher core body temperature and also, the differences between heat exhaustion and heat stroke, let us focus on the neurological impairment or cognitive dysfunction (medical term) after babies or young

How do we detect signs of heatstroke for babies and young toddlers?
Now we know that babies and young toddlers have a higher temperature than most adults, how do we detect signs of heatstroke for babies and young toddlers? We first have to recognize the precursor to heatstroke symptoms, or referred to

Heat Eexhaustion versus Heat Stroke
Attached video below, you will find Dr. Anthony Pickett (MD) from Phoenix Children’s Hospital who talks briefly about the topic of heat exhaustion versus heat stroke.