
How heatstroke can affect our babies and young children
For the past month, we have focused on the science of why our brains forget and some of the remedies on how to minimize it. For the following month, we will start to focus on how heatstroke can affect our

Are you forgetful?
For the past few posts, we have identified main reasons why we may forget. The following lists some of the quick remedies that could help in preventing us from being forgetful. The below list can be very useful and cost

Sleep or to Recharge at Night
In previous posts, we have discovered two of the main reasons why we, as humans, forget. But one of the most basic functions we go through in our daily lives is the ability to sleep or to recharge at night.

Parent of a Child
“The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.” – Olivia Wilde (American actress, filmmaker, and a mother of two children). After we become parents, we can never prioritize or think

How quick we forget!
“56% of information is forgotten within one hour” according to an article on Reasons Why People Forget ( One of the main reasons is based on the elapse of time, as referred to the Decay Theory coined by Edward Thorndike,

Love of Child
We should not forget these miracles of life, because they are an integral part of us. We are willing to give up the world as everything revolves around them, and nothing else supersedes. Forgetfulness can forever haunt us, and guilt can slowly

Parental Instinct
“What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all!” – Benjamin Spock (American Pediatrician). To the parents, providing unconditional love for their bundles of joy is what they will do without question. To